Friday, October 28, 2005

Microsoft Interview

Todd: What's your feeling when you write a program?
Ali: I feel like talking to my code, feeding it like a child, growing up, maintaining...
Todd: you should see a doctor asap.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Alright I have to change it:

good things:
- I am such a nerd!
- Love free Soda!

Bad things:
- hate Seattle! 9 months rain!!!
- not looking for a job in sunny California.
- not proud with using my gmail account! have to change it shortly!

If you don't get it just have a look at previous posts.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Things I'm loving about C# 2.0

New operator ?? :

public string NonNullString
get { return _NonNullString == null ? string.Empty : _NonNullString; }

can now be changed to:

public string NonNullString
get { return _NonNullString ?? string.Empty; }

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Microsoft back ON

Again Microsoft is playing with my mind and life;) will have some interviews in coming days for Software Engineer role in Microsoft headquarter in Seattle.