Friday, December 08, 2006

An open letter to the software managers of the world

Dear Software Managers of the World:

We, the Software Developers of the World, realize that our two factions have had many disagreements over the years. Through this letter we would like to extend our hand in a gesture of reconciliation.

This letter contains two lists: the first list describes responsibilities we are willing to accept wholeheartedly, assuming you are willing to accept the second list with an equal amount of zeal and commitment. These lists are not intended as indictments of either side, rather glimpses of an ideal world where developers and managers work together in harmony.

We, the Software Developers of the World, agree to the following:

1. We will do what it takes to get the job done without being asked, including working extra hours (as long as it does not violate clause 1 in the section below).
2. We will not complain when we are assigned boring tasks, bad problems, or have to maintain someone else's code (as long as it does not violate clauses 4 or 5 in the section below).
3. We will bring issues to your attention constructively and with proposed solutions.
4. We will seek to understand a decision before questioning it.
5. We will build the best software we are able to.
6. We will be loyal to the company and our team.
7. We will be passionate about the software we build.
8. We will be available when you really need us.
9. We will fully document our code and designs.
10. We will happily coach and mentor new developers.
11. We will tell our friends how cool it is to work at our company.

In turn we ask that you, the Software Managers of the World, agree to the following:

1. You understand that "crunch time" is an unexpected part of software development. Unless we have substantial equity in the company, crunch time will not exceed 3 weeks during any 6 month period.
2. You will give us powerful, best-of-breed PCs, huge hard drives, large monitors, and the latest development software.
3. You will listen and take action when we constructively bring a problem to your attention.
4. You will ensure that at least 80% of our time is spent on good problems.
5. If you plan to call us when software breaks, we will be given time to refactor and stabilize it as needed.
6. You will not ask us to serve as technical guides for highly paid contractors only to be held responsible when their code single-handedly brings our operations to a grinding halt.
7. If marketing is allowed to set our deadlines based on their knowledge of software projects, we will be allowed to set their budget and/or revenue expectations based on our knowledge of marketing.
8. You will not ask us to compromise a solid, stable, and maintainable design in order to meet an unrealistic deadline.
9. You will communicate expectations to to the stakeholders. You will ensure that before we begin building an application, all stakeholders spend ample time reviewing and understanding the specification.
10. You will ensure that as new requirements arise we will be given the corresponding amount of additional development time.
11. You will pay attention to your people more than your bottom line.
12. You will make our company a cool company to work at so we're not lying to our friends.

We hope you take these items under consideration and we look forward to how these changes will positively affect our relationship as we continue to work together to build software for many years to come.


The Software Developers of the World

Search History

Have you every looked at your search history? sometimes funny and sometimes scary ;) check this one (real story) user 16006693 from AOL:

16006693 nak
16006693 nack
16006693 sharona
16006693 knack
16006693 knack downloads
16006693 oakrige boys
16006693 oakridge boys
16006693 oakridge boys downloads free
16006693 jokes about *** cheney
16006693 jokes about *** cheney but not george bush
16006693 *** cheney creep
16006693 *** cheney dickhead
16006693 rummy dickhead
16006693 where is iraq
16006693 where is lebenon
16006693 his bullets
16006693 his bullies
16006693 shiits
16006693 shee-ites
16006693 bush appruval
16006693 bush approvel
16006693 bush drops below
16006693 dead reporters
16006693 dead reporters fotos
16006693 dead reporters pix
16006693 disembowled reporters pix
16006693 disembowled new york times
16006693 love thine enemas
16006693 love thine enemies
16006693 bible quote of the day
16006693 insperation from bible
16006693 george bush great president
16006693 george w bush great president
16006693 dream on
16006693 oakridge boys lyrics dream on
16006693 how to run country
16006693 how to run country when not really inerested
16006693 people to run country for you
16006693 over work
16006693 overwork
16006693 stress
16006693 best place to retire
16006693 places like crawford but without cindy sheehan
16006693 crawford the town not cindy crawford
16006693 crawford tx
16006693 like crawford tx but not so hot
16006693 best places to retire not hot
16006693 best places to retire global warming
16006693 global warming mith
16006693 global warming myth
16006693 crawford hot
16006693 cindy crawford hot
16006693 rice hot
16006693 rice hot not recipes
16006693 rice naked
16006693 rice nude
16006693 bible quotes resisting temptation
16006693 oakridge boys i’ll be true to you
16006693 oakridge boys trying to love two women
16006693 rice and beans
16006693 tex mex
16006693 tex mex not music
16006693 tex mex takeout
16006693 tex mex takeout dc
16006693 heart burn
16006693 heartburn

Reasons for a headache

1. Eye Strain
2. Sleep deprivation
3. Physical Exhaustion
4. Neck tension
5. Jaw tension
6. Neural Tension
7. Stress
8. Constipation
9. Hunger/ Low bloog glucose
10. Virus / Fever
11. Toothache
12. Sinus pressure
13. Ear infection
14. Caffeine withdrawal
15. Hangover
16. brain parasite
17. brain tumour or absess
18. ate too much ice-cream!

Busy not as usual ;)

I know it's been ages not updating my P&E blogs ;) really busy these days but we have achieved a lot:

1) All visas sorted for the family and they have confirmed tickets coming to Sydney next week with little princess.
2) I got my BMW ;) so excited this is the first time I am reading car manual as I have to setup its computer.
3) Sara's parents moved to new house, large and nice, they are excited and of course exhausted.
4) We will shoot out pre-wedding video this coming Sunday somewhere around Balmoral beach where we had the first date ;)
5) New furniture coming this Monday therefore I will have garage sale soon.
6) ... too many tasks left on the list that's why I am not updating those blogs ;)